{{isCN==='true'?'2021 新产品发布':'New Collection Release 2021'}}

{{isCN==='true'?'谁无暴风骤雨时,守得云开见月明。':'When there is no storm, anyone can see the moonlight.'}}



New Collection Online Release

感谢您一直以来对COMO 的支持与关注,愿您一切安好!在这艰难的时期,我们很遗憾地在此传达第二十七届中国国际家具展览会和摩登上海时尚家具展 延期举办的消息。

展会虽延期,但COMO 2021 新品将在线上和上海总部展厅同步发布。

Thank you for your continued support and attention to COMO, and wish you all the best!

In these difficult time, we regret to convey the news of the postponement of Furniture China 2021 and Maison Shanghai 2021.

New collection 2021 will be released online, and welcome you to visit our showroom in Shanghai.